SPYM runs 4 OST centers in Delhi i.e. Chandni Chowk, R.K Puram, Dakshinpuri and Kotla in collaboration with NDDTC AIIMS. This centers are effective in substantially reducing drug use, HIV risk behaviours, death from overdose and criminal activity, and financial and other stresses on drug users and their families.
- OST centers aim to reduce the harms associated with opioid use, such as overdose, transmission of infectious diseases (e.g., HIV and Hepatitis C), and illegal behaviors. The primary goal is to minimize the negative consequences of opioid dependence on individuals and communities.
- Provide evidence-based medication-assisted treatment using drugs such as buprenorphine as substitutes for illicit opioids. The objective is to stabilize individuals by reducing withdrawal symptoms, cravings, and drug-seeking behaviors. This approach allows for improved functioning and a better quality of life.
- Offer a range of supportive services to assist individuals in their recovery journey. This can include counseling, psychosocial interventions, and referrals to other healthcare professionals or social support networks. The objective is to address the underlying factors contributing to opioid dependence and facilitate long-term recovery.
- Aims to reintegrate individuals into society by reducing opioid dependence, these centers help individuals rebuild their lives and contribute positively to their communities.
- Work towards preventing relapse by providing ongoing support and monitoring to individuals undergoing treatment. They may conduct regular drug testing, offer counseling and psychological support, and provide strategies for relapse prevention. The objective is to help individuals maintain their recovery and reduce the risk of returning to opioid use.
- Focus on improving overall health outcomes for individuals by addressing co-occurring health conditions, providing access to healthcare services, promoting harm reduction practices, and offering education on safe injection practices and safer sex.
- Engage in advocacy efforts to promote policies and practices that support evidence based treatment for opioid dependence. They may work with policymakers, community organizations, and healthcare providers to reduce stigma, improve access to treatment, and ensure the availability of comprehensive services for individuals with opioid use disorders.
OST center revolve around improving the health, well-being, and social integration of individuals with opioid dependence, while minimizing the associated harms and promoting long-term
Beneficiaries have been registered at the center in the 2022-23 financial year under Opioid Substitution Therapy.

The TI project in Delhi is operational at Kotla Mubarakpur, and Dakshinpuri among the Injecting Drug Users (IDUs).
SPYM, with the support of the Delhi State AIDS Control Society (DSACS), Government of NCT of Delhi, runs Targeted Intervention (TI) project with the following:
- Preventing the spread of HIV by slowing down the spread of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) among vulnerable IDU population.
- Providing care and support to the infected and affected population, thereby reducing the impact of HIV/AIDS both socially and economically.
- Reduce Annual New HIV Infections by 80%
- Reduce AIDS related Mortalities by 80%
- Eliminate Vertical Transmission of HIV and syphilis
- Promote Universal Access to Quality STI/RTI Services
- Eliminate HIV/ AIDS-related Stigma and Discrimination
- Outreach and Behavior Change Communication (BCC): Outreach workers engage with key populations, such as female sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender individuals, people who inject drugs, and migrant populations. They conduct peer-led educational sessions, distribute informational materials, and promote behavior change communication to increase awareness about HIV prevention, safe sex practices, and harm reduction strategies.
- Prioritize the promotion and distribution of condoms to key populations. Condoms are provided free of cost or at subsidized rates, ensuring their accessibility and encouraging consistent and correct usage to prevent HIV transmission.
- Offer HIV testing and counseling services to key populations. This includes confidential and voluntary testing, pre-test and post-test counseling, as well as referrals for treatment and care services for those who test positive.
- Individuals identified as HIV positive through TI interventions are linked to appropriate treatment and care services. Referrals are made to Integrated Counseling and Testing Centers (ICTCs), antiretroviral therapy (ART) centers, and other healthcare facilities for ongoing medical management and support.
- Prioritize harm reduction strategies for people who inject drugs, aiming to minimize the risk of HIV transmission. This includes providing sterile needles and syringes, facilitating needle and syringe exchange programs, promoting safer injection practices, and offering opioid substitution therapy (OST) for individuals with opioid dependence.
- Also address the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among key populations. This involves promoting regular STI screenings, providing appropriate treatment for detected infections, and raising awareness about the link between STIs and HIV transmission.
- Engage in community mobilization activities to empower key populations, reduce stigma and discrimination, and promote their rights and access to healthcare services. They also advocate for policy changes and programmatic improvements to enhance the effectiveness of HIV prevention efforts.
IDUs were provided with clinical services in the financial year 2022-2023 under Targeted Intervention.
SPYM has been working with truckers at Inland Container Depot (ICD) Tuglakabad for the last 28 years to promote the prevention of HIV and AIDS. Since July 2010, the intervention among truckers has been supported by the Delhi State AIDS Control Society (Delhi SACS), Government of NCT of Delhi.
Long-distance truck drivers and their helpers spend months at a stretch on the highways and are away from their homes/family members. These truckers are more likely to engage in highrisk sexual behaviour than short-distance truckers. They have multiple sexual partners, including female sex workers (FSWs) on the highways, or they have other fixed partners en route or at places where they stop for rest or food. This results in a higher prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among truckers compare to the general population. Truckers are also reported to have sex with male sexual partners.
- Prevention of HIV through slowing down the spread of STIs among the vulnerable population.
- Providing care and support to the infected and affected population thereby reducing the impact of HIV/AIDS both socially and economically.
- Focus on high traffic routes in order to have cost effective interventions.
- The intensity of coverage with a limited outlay providing value for money expended.
- To reach population otherwise merging with the general population and hence difficult to be dealt with as high-risk groups.
- Facilitate networking of services to bring about better service accessibility choice and ensure quality standards in the services offered.
- Control and reduce the prevalence of STIs.
- Reduction in risk behavior.
- Improved health–seeking behavior.
- Access and availability of quality health services for the affected and infected.
- Reduced stigma and discrimination.
Expected Impact:
SPYM is the lead partner organisation implementing the Link Worker Scheme (LWS) in the North Eastern states of Tripura and Manipur since February 2009, supported by the respective State AIDS Control Society and National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), Government of India.
- The scheme aims to foster active community participation and engagement in healthcare related activities. It seeks to empower individuals and communities to take ownership of their health and well-being by promoting health literacy, awareness, and participation in health promotion initiatives.
- One of the primary objectives of the Link Worker Scheme is to bridge the gap between communities and healthcare services. It aims to ensure that individuals have timely and equitable access to healthcare facilities, resources, and information. This may involve facilitating referrals, providing information about available services, and assisting individuals in navigating the healthcare system.
- The scheme focuses on promoting preventive healthcare measures within communities. This includes raising awareness about preventive measures such as vaccinations, screenings, and healthy lifestyle practices. The objective is to reduce the burden of preventable diseases and improve overall community health outcomes.
- The Link Worker Scheme aims to promote health and well-being at the community level. Link workers may organize health promotion activities, workshops, and campaigns to educate individuals about healthy behaviors, disease prevention, and self-care practices. The objective is to empower individuals to make informed decisions regarding their health and adopt healthy lifestyle choices.
- Link workers play a crucial role in supporting individuals with chronic diseases or long-term health conditions. They provide information, guidance, and emotional support to help individuals manage their conditions effectively. This may involve ensuring medication adherence, facilitating follow-up appointments, and connecting individuals with appropriate healthcare providers.
- The Link Worker Scheme aims to address health inequalities and disparities within communities. It seeks to reduce barriers to healthcare access and improve health outcomes for disadvantaged or marginalized populations. This may involve targeting specific population groups, such as ethnic minorities, low-income communities, or individuals with limited access to healthcare resources.
- The Link Worker Scheme aims to address health inequalities and disparities within
communities. It seeks to reduce barriers to healthcare access and improve health outcomes
for disadvantaged or marginalized populations. This may involve targeting specific
population groups, such as ethnic minorities, low-income communities, or individuals with
limited access to healthcare resources. - Outreach and Behavior Change Communication (BCC): Outreach workers engage with key populations, such as female sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender individuals, people who inject drugs, and migrant populations. They conduct peer-led educational sessions, distribute informational materials, and promote behavior change communication to increase awareness about HIV prevention, safe sex practices, and harm reduction strategies.
Beneficiaries have been registered at the centre in the 2022-23 financial year under the Link Worker Scheme
SPYM is mandated as the Technical Support Unit (TSU) by National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), Government of India to extend technical assistance in specified areas to the respective State AIDS Control Society of Punjab, Chandigarh, Haryana, West Bengal, and Kerala. TSU aims to support the achievement of the NACP goals and objectives.
- Technical Guidance: The TSU aims to provide technical guidance and support to the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) and its implementing agencies in the development and implementation of evidence-based strategies, policies, and guidelines for HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment programs. This includes keeping abreast of scientific advancements, best practices, and international standards in the field of HIV/AIDS.
- Capacity Building: The TSU focuses on strengthening the capacity of the NACP and its implementing partners on various aspects of HIV/AIDS programming. This involves providing training, workshops, and mentoring to enhance the skills and knowledge of healthcare professionals, program managers, and other stakeholders involved in the delivery of HIV/AIDS services.
- Program Monitoring and Evaluation: The TSU plays a crucial role in monitoring and evaluating the performance and impact of HIV/AIDS programs implemented under the NACP. This includes developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks, conducting data analysis, and providing technical support for quality assurance and improvement activities. The objective is to ensure that programs are implemented effectively and achieve the desired outcomes
- Strategic Information Management: The TSU focuses on the collection, analysis, and dissemination of strategic information related to HIV/AIDS. This involves monitoring epidemiological trends, conducting surveillance activities, and managing databases and information systems. The objective is to generate accurate and timely data for evidence based decision-making, program planning, and resource allocation
- Research and Innovation: The TSU supports research initiatives to generate new knowledge and evidence in the field of HIV/AIDS. This includes conducting operational research, supporting implementation science studies, and promoting innovation in service delivery models. The objective is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of HIV/AIDS programs by incorporating research findings and innovative approaches into practice.
- Collaboration and Partnerships: The TSU facilitates collaboration and partnerships with national and international organizations, research institutions, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders involved in HIV/AIDS prevention and control. This includes fostering networking, knowledge-sharing, and coordination to leverage expertise, resources, and support for the implementation of NACP initiatives
- The Link Worker Scheme aims to address health inequalities and disparities within
communities. It seeks to reduce barriers to healthcare access and improve health outcomes
for disadvantaged or marginalized populations. This may involve targeting specific
population groups, such as ethnic minorities, low-income communities, or individuals with
limited access to healthcare resources. - Policy Advocacy and Strategic Planning: The TSU engages in policy advocacy and strategic planning processes to influence policies, guidelines, and resource allocation for HIV/AIDS programs. It provides technical inputs, conducts policy analysis, and advocates for evidence based approaches in national and regional forums. The objective is to create an enabling policy environment and ensure the alignment of HIV/AIDS programs with national priorities and international commitments.